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Examining the role of spatial skills and mathematics motivation on middle school mathematics achievement
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STEM education K-12: perspectives on integration
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Teachers’ perception of STEM integration and education: a systematic literature review
A study of the correlation between STEM career knowledge, mathematics self-efficacy, career interests, and career activities on the likelihood of pursuing a STEM career among middle school students
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The focus of this Special Issue is the development of science identity within an environment. It highlights the role of educational psychology constructs, such as interest and belonging that ultimately inform students’ science identity development.
Edited by: Ann Kim and Gale M. Sinatra
Collection published: November 2018
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The Office of Naval Research (ONR) STEM Grand Challenge was a competition between four top teams working on Intelligent Tutoring Systems to push the boundaries of STEM education using computers. This collection will highlight the high quality systems and research produced under this challenge.
Edited by: Scotty D. Craig, Arthur C. Graesser, and Ray S. Perez
Collection published: April 2018
Design and Facilitation of Video-Based Professional Development Programs
With the increase in professional development (PD) programs that use video as a means for supporting teachers’ learning and instructional improvement, there is now interest in understanding the thinking and decision making that occur behind the scenes in facilitators’/designers’ minds as they plan and lead PD that capitalizes on the power of video.
Edited by: Miray Tekkumru-Kisa and Mary Kay Stein
Collection published: 25 November 2017
Research on STEM practices in education: International perspectives
This thematic series brings together the work of scholars from around the world to investigate the trends in STEM education research in terms of coverage of STEM practices and to illustrate how STEM practices can be made a component of STEM instruction.
Edited by: Prof Sibel Erduran
Collection published: 16 February 2015
- Race and gender differences in how sense of belonging influences decisions to major in STEM
by Katherine Rainey et al.
Published: 2018 | Citations: 34 - Teachers’ perception of STEM integration and education: a systematic literature review
by Kelly C. Margot and Todd Kettler
Published: 2023 | Citations: 25 - Strategies to mitigate student resistance to active learning
by Sneha Tharayil et al.
Published: 2018 | Citations: 23 - The influence of active learning practices on student anxiety in large-enrollment college science classrooms
by Katelyn M. Cooper et al.
Published: 2018 | Citations: 21 Four frames for systemic change in STEM departments
by Daniel L. Reinholz and Naneh Apkarian
Published: 2018 | Citations: 20
Citation counts retrieved via Springer Nature Insights/ Dimenions on July 31, 2023.
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by Mariel A. Pfeifer
How can we, as mentors, help undergraduate researchers with depression?
by Katelyn M. Cooper
- Teachers’ perception of STEM integration and education: a systematic literature review by Kelly C. Margot and Todd Kettler
- Multiple-true-false questions reveal more thoroughly the complexity of student thinking than multiple-choice questions: a Bayesian item response model Chad E. Brassil and Brian A. Couch
- A descriptive study of race and gender differences in how instructional style and perceived professor care influence decisions to major in STEM by Katherine Rainey et al.
- Building future primary teachers' capacity in STEM: based on a platform of beliefs, understandings and intentions by Premnadh M. Kurup
- Universal Design for Learning in postsecondary STEM education for students with disabilities: a systematic literature review by Jillian Schreffler et al.
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The International Journal of STEM Education, covered by Web of Science’s Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI), has been identified as important to key opinion leaders, funders, and evaluators worldwide and has an Impact Factor of 1.850. SSCI is a carefully selected and evaluated collection that delivers to users the most influential scientific research. All articles published in this journal are discoverable via the Web of Science with full citation counts, author information, and other enrichment. Coverage of the journal records started in 2018.
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The focus of this Special Issue is the development of science identity within an environment. It highlights the role of educational psychology constructs, such as interest and belonging that ultimately inform students’ science identity development.
Edited by Ann Kim and Gale M. Sinatra
Featured Collection: Advances from the Office of Naval Research (ONR) STEM Grand Challenge - Expanding the Boundaries of Intelligent Tutoring Systems
This collection showcases the high quality systems and research produced under this challenge aimed at pushing the boundaries of STEM education using computers.
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by Yeping Li et al.
Research and trends in STEM education: a systematic review of journal publications
by Yeping Li et al.
Developing student 21st Century skills in selected exemplary inclusive STEM high schools
by Stephanie M. Stehle and Erin E. Peters-Burton
Students’ reasons for STEM choices and the relationship of mathematics choice to university admission
by Satu Kaleva et al.
Research and trends in STEM education: a systematic analysis of publicly funded projects
by Yeping Li et al.
The International Journal of STEM Education is a multidisciplinary journal in subject-content education that focuses on the study of teaching and learning in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).
The journal provides a unique platform for sharing research regarding, among other topics, the design and implementation of technology-rich learning environments, innovative pedagogies, and curricula in STEM education that promote successful learning in Pre K-16 levels including teacher education. We are also interested in studies that address specific challenges in improving students’ achievement, approaches used to motivate and engage students, and lessons learned from changes in curriculum and instruction in STEM education. The journal encourages translational STEM education research that bridges research and educational policy and practice for STEM education improvement. Read more
Articles in International Journal of STEM Education should be cited in the same way as articles in a traditional journal. Because articles are not printed, they do not have page numbers; instead, they are given a 极光破解版无限试用and a DOI (digital object identifier).
Article citations in APA style should cite the DOI:
English, L.D., & Watson J.M. (2015). Exploring variation in measurement as a foundation for statistical thinking in the elementary school. Int J STEM Educ. doi: 10.1186/s40594-015-0016-x.
Article citations follow this format in Vancouver style:
English LD, Watson JM. Exploring variation in measurement as a foundation for statistical thinking in the elementary school. Int J STEM Educ. 2015;2:3
referring to article 3 from Volume 2 of the journal.
Advances in STEM Education is a new book series with a focus on cutting-edge research and knowledge development in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education from pre-college through continuing education around the world. Read more
Researchers who are interested in book publishing in STEM education are encouraged to contact the book series editor, Dr. Yeping Li, at
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- ISSN: 2196-7822 (electronic)